Comprehensive programs for employee wellbeing, delivered entirely in-house.
We make wellness programs accessible, by overcoming obstacles that smaller companies normally face.
Wellness is not just for big companies. Smaller companies and their people can benefit equally from the effects of a wellness program. However, the economies of scale that justify investment in facilities for wellness may not apply.
The reality is that smaller companies need new, flexible approaches to wellness that work in small spaces, with small teams, with minimal time disruption and no capital investment.
Traditionally, responsibility for personal wellbeing was entirely one’s own. This model has largely failed, as evidenced by the current levels of work stress, physical inactivity & chronic illness.
As it has become increasingly accepted that companies are affected by the wellbeing of their people, the traditional model has given way to a new model of shared responsibility, between employer and employee. In this model, wellness programs at the workplace make wellbeing accessible in a new way for people that are busy and short of time. Ultimately, the objective is for the program to empower employees to engage in a healthier lifestyle. The Pure Wellbeing program is designed to do exactly that.